Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Providing Equal Access To The Digital World

How can students be given equal access to technology in the classroom?
Classes are made up of students that vary in socioeconomic status. The differences in students means that there are those who do not have access to computers at home. To provide equal access to all students means that administrators, policy makers, teachers and the community needs to get involved.
Stategies that can provided equal access to students include having students allowed a certain amount of time on the computer or access to computer lab. The students can be allowed to come in before or after school and during lunch. Teachers should be using technology in many of their subjects and having a variety of tools available to the students. Using more technology will benefit groups that may not have had interest in one particular subject area using a single technology lesson.
A support system needs to be in place for the technology access to exist. Making sure the school has adequate up to date connections to the Inernet, technical support, training programs for the teachers on software and how to incorporate technology.
Finally, the funding needs to be available to the school for adequate equipment. There may be grants available for the school and also the need for community support.

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  1. In addition to everything you said, teachers are faced with the challenges of including students with disabilities. What a challenge it must be to meet the state requirements while also trying to teach some students typical ways of using technology while also trying to teach students with learning disabilities alternate ways of using the same technology!

  2. I agree....the funding to fill all these needs is crucial, I just wish there was more to go around!
